The British Dance Council is made up of a number of different committees, each looking at one area of the dance industry.

Board of Directors

Chairman, Christopher Hawkins
Vice Chairman, Mark Lunn

The Board is made up from delegates nominated from each Corporate Member of the Council at the March meeting of the Council; at present there are sixteen corporate member associations of the Council. Minutes of all the Council’s standing Committees are put forward to these meetings for ratification.

Board meetings are held three times a year.


All standing Committee members are nominated at the October meeting of the Board of Directors, the Sequence Advisory Committee also include independent members that have been permitted to attend.

Disco Freestyle Rock’n’Roll Committee

Chairman – Christopher Hawkins

Its function is to consider, debate and report to the Board of Directors all matters relating to Disco/Freestyle/Rock’n’Roll, delegates consider rule changes submitted by the Council’s corporate members.
BDC Disco Freestyle rule changes are considered annually. Meetings are arranged when necessary during the year following the procedure laid down by the Council.

All Freestyle competitors must be registered by their Teacher for status cards to enter into Freestyle competitions.
Freestyle registration with the BDC covers all categories.
Teachers may also apply for Team status cards

Pupils moving to your school from another school:  Teachers must advise the BDC in writting by completing the form available.

Freestyle Teachers registering for status cards will receive a Freestyle Rule book.

General Purposes Committee

Chairman, Christopher Hawkins

Its function is to consider, debate and report to the Board of Directors all financial matters and items of a general nature and the BDC finances.
The British Dance Council is a non-profit making organisation, Limited by Guarentee

International Professional Affairs Committee

Chairman, Christopher Hawkins

Its function is to consider, debate and report to the Board of Directors matters relating to International affairs

Proposed changes to WDC Statutes and Rules Selection of Adjudicators for WDC events – Selection of Couples to dance in WDC events

Rules Committee

Current Chairman, George Coad

Its function is to consider, debate and report to the Board of Directors all rule changes submitted by its corporate members every three years for re-issuing of the BDC Rulebook.

Rule changes except in exceptional circumstances, revisions will only be considered under normal procedure every three years. Current Rulebook see our publications page for details of the British Dance Council Rulebook relating to Ballroom, Latin American and Sequence dancing in Great Britain.

Sequence Advisory Committee

Current Chairman, Robert Aldred

Consists of delegates nominated by the Directors from the member teacher organisations, delegate from the WAPTD (a non examining teacher organisation) and one delegate from the Dance Promoters Association.

Considering matters relating to issues of Sequence dancing especially technical issues.

In order to maintain conformity in all forms of Sequence Dancing, it advises the Corporate Members of the British Dance Council on matters concerning Professional Examinations, and monitors and advises on matters associated with Inventive Dance Competitions and the publication of the scripts of new winning dances.

Click the link to view video of sequence dances

Competition and Championships Committee

Current Chairman, Christopher Hawkins

Teachers Committee

Current Chairman, Christopher Hawkins
Honorary Secretary, Jan Williams

Consists of appointed nominees by the Corporate Members, which are examining teacher associations, these members are not elected by the Board of Directors.

Amy Dowden MBE

Robin Short

Nigel Horrocks

Jan Williams

Gillian Mackenzie

Anne Lingard

Antony Hurley

Lorna Lee-Stylianos

Robert Grover

Len Armstong

Bryan Allen

Michael Williams

Kenny Welsh

Tracey Walters

David Trueman

Hannah Trever

Yvonne Saunders

David Roberts

Margaret Redmond

Sean Perry

Philip Perry

Carol Perry

Nicola Nordin

Hilary Mouat

Cora Ann Leonard

Anna Henrich-Jones

Malcolm Hill

Morgan Hemphill

Natalie Hayes

Krystof Grzelak

Antonio Franchitti

Mark Elsbury

Colin Donaldson

Philip Diment

Jaime Dieguez

Frances Dawson

Howard Cookson

Michael Conway

Warren Brown

Warren Boyce

Joanne Blackshaw

Robert Aldred

Mark Lunn

Christopher Hawkins