This committee is responsible for oversight of the BDC Rules and the BDC Rule Book. The BDC acts as the regulatory organisation for competitive dancing in the Ballroom, Latin American, Sequence and Freestyle genres, (The latter in conjunction with the Association of Dance and Freestyle Professionals). The Rules Committee is responsible for ensuring that the regulatory system is up to date, and regularly reviews the BDC Rules and recommends updates to the Board of Directors.

Chair/ Rules Officer: Christopher Hawkins

Vice Chair/Assistant Rules Officer: Mark Lunn

Members:  Nicola Nordin, David Trueman, Jaime Dieguez, Natalie Hayes, Robert Aldred

Attendees: Len Armstrong (BDC Honorary President) President)

Amy Dowden MBE

Robin Short

Nigel Horrocks

Jan Williams

Gillian Mackenzie

Anne Lingard

Antony Hurley

Lorna Lee-Stylianos

Robert Grover

Len Armstong

Bryan Allen

Michael Williams

Kenny Welsh

Tracey Walters

David Trueman

Hannah Trever

Yvonne Saunders

David Roberts

Margaret Redmond

Sean Perry

Philip Perry

Carol Perry

Nicola Nordin

Hilary Mouat

Cora Ann Leonard

Anna Henrich-Jones

Malcolm Hill

Morgan Hemphill

Natalie Hayes

Krystof Grzelak

Antonio Franchitti

Mark Elsbury

Colin Donaldson

Philip Diment

Jaime Dieguez

Frances Dawson

Howard Cookson

Michael Conway

Warren Brown

Warren Boyce

Joanne Blackshaw

Robert Aldred

Mark Lunn

Christopher Hawkins